Quite a grand monument in the middle of a roundabout
These are workers on a farm
One of the crops they and many people pick is cotton
A cotton crop. Ready to be picked and we saw many people picking
People from all walks of life help pick the cotton
Trucks full of the cotton crop
Cotton gin
Cotton features in all aspects of Uzbek life
This teapot and teacup seems to be owned by 3/4 of the cafes and homes we visit.
The design is based on the cotton plant
An old Russian Lada or Volga car
Most cars seem pretty new and are either Chevrolet's or Daewoo's
Both are made in Uzbekistan
Daewoo vans are used as tiny busses
The older cars seem to be mostly Lada's
Town signs - different for each town but mostly of this era
Beautiful Adobe walls surrounding an orchard
The mountains of the Kamchik pass, (2267 metres)
Very barren and in winter they are snow covered
You can't make them out but there are white barriers which are to help
prevent the snow cascading down the mountain
A very new housing estate. There are many of these
They need a little time for people to plant gardens and make them more individual
People can buy these for a 25% deposit and then pay them off
Said to be affordable for many people
Many older homes along the roadside are adobe
Another cotton crop
Poplars line many roads and are used in gardens
The poplars are used to strengthen the adobe walls of homes
A new apple orchard
This monument is at the top of the Kamchik pass
Top of the Kamchik pass
This road is heading towards Tashkent
There were a couple of passport checks during the 4 hour drive to Kokund in the Ferghana Valley
This was the only place that you are able to take photos - it is prohibited anywhere else