It seems that people can sleep anywhere in India: side of the road, on the medium strip of a freeway, back of an auto rickshaw, window ledge etc.
There was something about the way this young lady was lying
that didn’t “feel” right.
She was on the footpath, on a busy six lane bridge over the Sabarmati River heading
out of Ahmedabad. She was lying in a loose foetal position. I couldn't see her face, but
what made me wonder was, her head was part way over the edge of the step, onto
the road.
What you always do is protect your head, even when you are
asleep. Surely if my head was leaning
into space at an odd angle, I would wake up.
I sped past in an auto rickshaw, but the picture remains in
my mind. Did I do anything? No.
Did anyone else stop? Not that I saw.
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