Monday 19 October 2015

Delhi a short history

Delhi – some history

1060         AD   first city of Delhi

1191         Delhi falls to the Afghan Muslim armies of Muhammad Ghor       

1206         Delhi sultanate founded

1398         Tamelane invades and sacks Delhi
                 Founds the Sayyid dynasty.

1444         Sayyid’s ousted. 

1526         Mughal emperor Babur takes over ending the Delhi Sultanate.

1540         Baburs son Humayun ousted by Sher Shah Suri

1556         Hamayun retakes Delhi but dies the following year.

1565         Hamayun’s son Akbar shifts the Mughal capital from Delhi to Agra.

1638         Akbar’s grandson Shah Jahan shifts the capital back to Delhi.  (old Delhi)

1739         Mughal power crumbles.  Persian emperor Nadir Shah sacks Delhi, slaughtering 15000.

1784         The Marathas take over making the emperor their vassal.

1803         Battle of Delhi – Britains East India Company defeat the Marathas and are effectively the rulers

1857         First war of Independence.  Delhi supports the insurgents but he British retake the city with bloody reprisals, deposing the Mughals and expelling Muslim Delhiites for 2 years.

1911         British decide on new Indian capital at Delhi as opposition to colonial rule mounts  in Calcutta.

1931         Delhi officially inaugurated as the capital of the Raj.

1947         British hand over power in Delhi to India’s first elected government but Hindu mobs drive many Muslims from the city.  Hindu and Sikh refugees flood in from the Punjab and Bengal.

1975 – 77 Indira Ghandi’s Emergency forced eviction of Muslim slum dwellers from Old Delhi

1984         Indira Ghandi assassination.  Followed by sectarian riots targeting Delhi’s Sikh population.

The above info is courtesy of:
The Rough Guide to India
E book 2015

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