Tuesday 20 February 2018

Beijing - walking the streets of Dongcheng

It's Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, and this is the year of the dog

Above and below - Wangfujing street where you can buy Louis Vuitton and Dior if you wish

Above - The Bell Tower, and below, The Drum tower.
The time keepers in ancient times

Oh no! - He's even made it into Chinese

Street scenes near Lhama Temple

It's New Year so there must be lanterns

Jingshan park overlooking the brown roofs of The Forbidden City

Fireworks are banned in Beijing because of pollution

Homes in the alley ways of Beijings

Can you see Che down the back - he sure got around.

Put an app on your phone and you can hire bikes for very little

Great day to be on the subway - no crowds

Below, a subway station

Chongyeng - a free self serve library on the streets

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