Tuesday 20 February 2018

The Forbidden City - the day half of China and I visited

7.30am  19th February 2018
Tour of The Forbidden City and the Great Wall with this group of flight attendants from 
Hawai Airlines who were on a 5 day layover in Beijing.  
It was fun.

It's spring festival so where would you like to go??? 
The Forbidden city of course.

Hall of supreme harmony

The male dragon guarding the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The Emperor's bedroom had 27 beds 
- so that if anyone came to kill him in the night they would have a bit of trouble finding him.

Roof guardians.  
Procession led by a phoenix, 
followed by mythical beasts and the dragon at the end of the procession.  

For storing water

Let's rub this for good luck

This little dragon would "tell on" any of the concubines if they got up to anything they shouldn't

This tells you how cold it was.  The moat of the Forbidden City was frozen.

The frozen moat around the Forbidden City

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